Grant Research & Developing A Successful Proposal
It is conservatively estimated that, on the average, and for the past one decade, 2 billion USD has been available on yearly basis in the coffers of a global coterie of foundations, family endowments and individual charities.
It is also estimated that, on the average, one million grant proposals are submitted to these funding organizations each month by non-profit, non-governmental organizations seeking funds for the purpose of the empowerment and development of people and communities both within and outside the United States. Only 1% eventually succeed in getting a piece of that estimated yearly $2 billion in grant funds.
Now, this is the point. Because of the sheer humongous volume of proposals that arrive at the desk of the average grant reviewer, if a simple paragraph of only four sentences, what is classically referred to as the Grant Summary, cannot present an entire proposal at a glance, then that grant proposal is tragically ill-fated, and it is doomed to end up in the shredder. That is why a shredder is always lurking discreetly behind the grant reviewer’s chair.
Ultimately, the grant reviewer’s delight is a precise, clear, concise and articulate proposal that addresses community-focused project innovation and sustainability, a clearly-defined and focused business vision, the strategic decimation of objectives into relevant tasks, the appropriate
apportioning of resources within specific and credible timelines, and
flexibility with benchmarks that serve as a guide for recognizing and seizing the opportunity to revise plans.
Strategic and specific grant writing helps align the identified needs of a nonprofit (and its clients) with funding sources, whether foundations, government agencies, corporations or individuals.
This course offers a guide to the technical details of grant writing, an increasingly crucial method for raising money to fund projects and programs for nonprofits and other organizations.
The course explores the relationship of grant writing to an organization’s strategy for fundraising which is critical to running the business aspects of the non-profit organization. It also outlines the stages of grant writing and highlights grant writing best practices.
Learn the importance of grant writing for non-profits and other organizations seeking funding.
Outline stages of the grant writing process.
Discover how to research grant makers and available grants.
Learn the process of establishing relationships with potential funders.
Understand the importance of alignment between and nonprofit and funder's mission.
Explore tools and technical details critical in writing a successful grant proposal.
Learn techniques for following up after winning or losing a grant.
Outline best practices for grant writing.
A grant is money awarded to businesses in need. Unlike loans, grants don't have to be paid off. The money is not being borrowed. There is no interest attached. Grants are GIVEN to businesses with no expectation of return.
1. Learn the importance of grant writing for non-profits seeking funding.
2. Discover how to research grant makers and available grants.
3. Outline stages of grant writing process.
4. Explore tools and technical details critical in writing a successful grant proposal.
5. Learn techniques for following up after winning or losing a grant.
6. Putting it all together.
Course begins 2/9/23 and runs for 6 weeks.
Course will be held via Zoom on Thursdays from 6:00pm-7:30pm CST.
Linda Gray is a nonprofit and small business consultant with more than 25 years of experience with expertise in small business mentoring, nonprofit start-ups, nonprofit management, grant research and development for community based nonprofits and faith-based organizations.
She brings a legacy of community outreach and engagement experience in multiple jurisdictions. Has extensive background in training and hands-on experiences from a legacy of volunteerism and community service in both the faith-based and nonprofit community. Helped coordinate and facilitate public-private partnerships in affordable housing, small business development and workforce.
Collin Community College Instructor for 7 years which she developed the syllabus and curriculum for the Nonprofit Management Certification Series.
Helped to establish more than 150 start-up nonprofit organizations, guiding them through their initial set-up and launch. She brings extensive community mobilization skills, grant writing and administration experience. Has over 25 years in nonprofit management and assisted hundreds of nonprofit organizations and Churches with technical assistance in order to earn their IRS 501(c)(3) certification.
Professional affiliations consist of Certified Business Mentor for SCORE. Received the SBA Atlanta District Perseverance Award for volunteer service during Hurricane Katrina. Social Enterprise Alliance-Dallas. Founding Board Member International Women Think Tank, Atlanta GA. Professional affiliations include the National Nonprofit Minority Association, Social Enterprise Alliance (Dallas Chapter). Honorary Doctorate in Christian Leadership. Member of IOTA Phi Lambda Sorority Zeta XI Chapter.
Dr Yomi Garnett, a world-class grant writer, has developed a unique proposal format to assist non-profits to obtain grants and funding, either for the purpose of expanding their business operations, or for the purpose of the empowerment of people and communities.
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