
To help you grow

Gain the skills you need for the business you want. Designed to give you a competitive edge in the business world, our courses will allow you to directly apply what you’re learning, as well as help you prepare for the next step in your business life.

Grant Research & Developing A Successful Proposal

Strategic and specific grant writing helps align the identified needs of a nonprofit (and its clients) with funding sources, whether foundations, government agencies, corporations or individuals.

How To Start A Nonprofit Organization From A-Z

Learn the basic requirements to become an official tax exempt nonprofit organization in any State. Through this interactive course, students will access the needed websites, download forms required and fill out the paperwork as you go. Your Instructor will provide step by step instructions to walk students through the entire process.

Be a Mogul With Your Own Media Business

Starting your own media business gives you a chance to make a true impact in the world. Everyone has a story. Not everyone has a story-teller. This is your opportunity to learn how to profit by telling stories they way they were meant to be. How much light can you shine? How much hope can you bring? How many people can you impact for the better?

Let's Get Women Owned Small Business Certified

Having your Women Owned Small Business (WOSB) certification is a great start to positioning your company for contracts that are only open women owned businesses in which you must owned 51% of your company.

How to Grow and Expand Your Business into Global Markets

We use our expertise in commercial law to position your company into the global markets and offer you access global trade markets to increase your earning potential and influence.

Communication: The New Currency to Wealth

Learning to attract and influence as well as communicate with people begins with your own mindset. This course will teach you to create a list of people you want to influence and to determine what they value.

Opening a Real Estate Business

So, you want to be a Real Estate Broker and open your own Real Estate busiParagraphness? What are the pros and cons of owning a Brokerage and the pathway to having your Real Estate Firm?

Becoming a Person of Influence

Whatever your vocation or aspiration, you can increase your impact on others by Becoming a Person of Influence. Overstanding not just continuing to understand Leadership of self and others. For C-suite and beyond.

The One-Stop Business Toolbox

Equipping business professionals with the optimal tools necessary to transform their companies from being business operators to business owners.


Are you Grant Ready? Download a copy of The 7 Point Checklist before you apply for federal, corporate or foundation funding.

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